In my robotics classes, our students don’t have to sift through mainstream media outlets to get the info they’re looking for. But, even in the DIY world, there can be negative consequences if students adopt solutions or methodologies from the wrong online resources.

I’ve convinced the other members of my makerspace our students need a methodology they can use to evaluate sources for project ideas and solutions – just like students in other subject areas.
In that vein, we’ve created our own C.R.A.P Detection for Makers guide …. and it will be presented to all future students – and posted in our space.
Is the resource Current? Does the info provided work with the OS, application version or microcontroller you currently use – or will you have to use old or purchase new equipment? Using your current setup is always easier!
Does the resource Require tools/software you don’t have or are outside of your budget? Is there a free Open-Source alternative?
Is the source Advocating their own vision to encourage you to buy hardware/IP from them?
Does the platform Push you to share personal information (e.g., identity, location, other data)?
Use Open Source when you can, pay if you must – but always beware of sharing anything personal!