Before you copy code or hardware design for a school assignment …

Is it copyrighted?

If so …

*Who owns it?

*Contact them to get permission!!

*Give Credit to the creator!!!

*Make a purchase if necessary!!!

*Use it responsibly

If not , …

According to Fair Use doctrine, you should …

*Only use a small part of the work

*Add new meaning to the work to make it original

*Rework it and use it in a totally different way

*Make sure to use it for nonprofit putposes

*Give credit to the creator

When copying anything else (e.g., videos, images, text, etc.) that is licensed under Creative Commons Licenses, …

*Always attribute the creator of the work (for information on how to attribute a work, see information guide, ‘How to Attribute Creative Commons Material’)

*Get permission from the creator to do anything that goes beyond the terms of the licence (e.g. making a commercial use of the work or creating a derivative work where the licence does not permit this)

*Keep any copyright notice attached to the work intact on all copies of the work

*Indicate and link to the licence from any copies of the work;

*Where you make changes to the work, acknowledge the original work and indicate that changes have been made (eg by stating ‘This is a French translation of the original work, X’)

Note: text in green above from