Tutoring Services

Rippowam Labs has been  holding classes on microcontrollers, robotics and computer programming since 2012.

Over the years, we’ve taught over 250 students how to build their first robot.  No one else comes close.

So if you need help getting started on a DIY electronics project – or need help getting over a sticking point on a project you’ve started, call us for help!

We now offer affordable tutoring on all projects – no matter how small or large – to anyone in the Fairfield Couty area.   Contact us for more information!

Let’s face it, the schools are too busy teaching students to take common core tests. They have no time  to introduce students to the technologies that are transforming this world.  Our tutors act as mentors, who can  show students  the most productive and cost-effective  ways to  learn the technologies that matter.

Reserve a spot for your son or daughter today!!!!!

Hours of Tutoring