I was racking my brain for gifts I could give to friends and family – and it suddenly occurred to me to harness the tools around me.
That’s when I got the idea to personalize some Cocoa Coir doormats for friends, using our 60-Watt Laser Cutter. Here are a couple of my creations over the weekend…

The whole process got a bit tricky at times. This Cocoa Coir stuff is great fire tinder and, every once in a while, a small part of the mat would start smouldering. I had to pause the machine and smother the small coal with my thumb.
For all of those who are interested, I used a speed of 300 and power setting of 47.5. After talking with a Laser Cutting guru, he said I could have gotten better results with a speed of 400 and a power of 100. I guess I will try that next time.