We’re having a great time over at NCC this week making robots! I’m posting this for the benefit of the kids in the classes, to help make it easy for them to experiment with their robots at home.
Step 1
When you get home tonight, ask your parents for a computer you could use to work on your robot. (It can be a Mac, Windows or Unix computer.) Once you have a computer, download the Arduino software here. Click on your operating system and click Yes, whenever the install program asks a questions.

Step 2
Open the Arduino software … you ucan use the search box in Windows

Step 3
Once the application is open, click File|New from the main menu (upper left corher).
Step 3
The application provides you with some bare-bones code – but delete this by clicking CTRL-A and Delete.
Step 4
Copy code from the Rippowam Labs github site (see URL below) and paste into Arduino (https://github.com/RippowamLabs/BotScripts4L298N/blob/master/L298_robot_experiment_fwd_bckwd_lft_rt.ino)
Step 5
Plug your robot into a USB port on your computer
Step 6
Choose your port, by selecting Tools|Port from the mail menu. Do NOT use COM3!
Step 7
Choose Board, by selecting Tools|Board from the main menu. You must choose one that includes the words “Arduino” and “Uno” in it.
Step 8
To execute your script, click the right-ward facing arrow

Troubleshooting hints:
If you ever experience any errors in your code, copy the message from the errors window and paste into Google. (Remember, if you’re having trouble, there are thousands of others out there that have run into the same wall. Harness Google to help solve your problems!)