Join the Rippowam Labs community at Mill River Park on Saturday night to take part in NASA’s International Observe the Moon Night 2020 event.
This is the lates in a series of Sidwalk Astronomy events put on by Zane Landers, a Stamford resident who is considered the face of America’s next generation of astronomers. He and other astronomers in Southwestern CT show up and set up their telescopes and let members of the general public take a look at the planets and stars.
At the last event, one person brought a scope worth ~$45,000 and the rings of Saturn were in perfect view. But Zane will bring at least one of his telescopes that he built himself (~$350) and stargazers using that scope said they could see Saturn’s rings just as well!
All in all, these events are friendly, wholesome and educational – a great relief from the politically charged times we live in. We hope you join us!!!
We’ll be gathering near small parking lot along Washington Blvd. (next to the dog exercise area) at around 6:45 pm!