We will officially unveil our new space to the public on Sunday, July 16th at 4 pm during our official Grand Opening ceremony. Our address is 425 Fairfield Avenue (2nd floor).
We’ve been hard at work cleaning and painting and we think its finally time to open our doors to the public. We’ll have food and music and a lot of good folks.
Rumor has it that one of the members of the NYC Chapter of the Open Organisation of lockpicking will be giving a lesson on lockpicking as well. And he has some lockpicking kits for sale *$25-$30 a piece).
We already have a whole slate of activities planned for the space, including a whole series of summer learning opportunities for teens (btw, the deadline for signing up for two upcoming classes is June 30th).
Ron is already planning his first class – he’ll teach you how to transform an old pair of work pants into shorts (why should you have to go to the mall to buy a new pair?).
Stay tuned to this page and this one for more details.